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Human-AI Interaction in Healthcare: Three Case Studies About How Patient(s) And Doctor(s) Interact with AIin a Multi-Tiers Healthcare System

Author: Xiangmin Fan, Wang, Gao, Wang

Affiliation: Chinese Academy of Sciences, SUNY, IBM Research

Personalizing Health Technologies to Support Patient and Provider Goals

Author: Jessica Schroeder, Fogarty, Munson

Affiliation: University of Washington

Human-AI Collaboration in Healthcare: CDIS

Author: Claus Bossen, Pine

Affiliation: Aarhus University, Arizona State University

Data Created (NOT) for AI - Encouraging Ethnographic Understanding

Author: Ayushi Tandon

Affiliation: Indian Institute of Management

Lifting as we all rise: Addressing challenges to AI bias in healthcare

Author: Charles R. Senteio, Costello, Singh

Affiliation: Rutgers

AI and the Health Professions: Questions from Two Studies

Author: Joshua B. Barbour, Pierce, Jensen, Rolison

Affiliation: The University of Texas at Austin - Communications

Supporting the Use of Wearable Data in the Mental Health Clinic

Author:  Ada Ng

Affiliation: Northwestern University - Computer Science + Communication

Integrating AI Recommendations into the Pharmacologic Management of Major Depressive Disorder

Author: Maia Jacobs, Pradler, Mynatt, Perlis, Gajos, Donshi-Velez

Affiliation: Harvard, Georgia Tech, Mass Gen

Getting ready for AI based Retinal Eye Screening in Primary Care

Author: Finn Kensing, Garg, Pedersen

Affiliation: U of Copenhagen, U of North Carolina, Google Health

The Contingent, Situated, and Relational Nature of Epilepsy Diagnosis

Author: Megh Marathe

Affiliation: University of Michigan

Bench to Bedside: Clinical Decision Support as Narratives to Fuel Adoption

Author: Payaal Patel, Ghosh

Affiliation: Philips

AI opportunities in chat-based nurse-patient communication

Author: Ding Wang, O'Neill

Affiliation: Microsoft Research India

Emerging Design Principles for Prediction Algorithms: Lessons from the Frontline of Healthcare

Author: Kevin M. Wheelock, Lee, Ghanbari

Affiliation: University of Michigan

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