CSCW 2019 Workshop (Saturday, Nov. 9th, Austin, TX )
AI ​technologies​ ​and algorithmic decision-making systems are increasingly adopted in a wide range of healthcare settings, from supporting clinical processes to transforming how medical benefits are accessed, to managing personal health and wellness. This full-day workshop explores what invisible work and unanticipated/unintended consequences should be considered when designing healthcare technology based on AI technologies and automation. We will identify key scenarios to consider in this research space, to inform a future research agenda that pursues fundamental questions related to integrating AI and automation into healthcare work.
More specifically, we will explore the human experience of AI health technologies by considering the following themes: 1) New Roles, Labor, and Work Created by AI/Automation Technology in Healthcare, and 2) Trust in Light of Shifting Healthcare Workflows. The workshop will outline guidelines and a future agenda for the field and provide potential transdisciplinary collaboration opportunities. We welcome a range of participants, including clinicians (e.g., physicians, nurses, medical assistants, etc.); researchers in design, healthcare, the social sciences, and AI; and developers and UX design practitioners.
We solicit position papers of 2-4 pages (plus unlimited references) in the ACM Extended Abstracts Format (Latex, Word), describing original research and outlining a contributor’s interest and experience in the workshop topic. Position papers will be selected based on quality, originality, diversity, and relevance to the workshop goal and themes. We will give priority to papers that are likely to foster fruitful discussions during the workshop. We aim to have a diverse group of participants to facilitate cross-disciplinary sharing of experiences and expertise.
Submissions will be peer-reviewed by the workshop’s program committee. Please note that at least one author must be registered for the one-day workshop on November 9th, however, we encourage multiple authors to attend. For those who plan to attend the workshop only, there is a registration option for attendees who are only participating in a workshop but not the main conference. Workshop registration and hotel information is available on the CSCW 2019 website: http://cscw.acm.org/2019/
Final submissions and questions about the workshop should be sent to ai.health.cscw2019@gmail.com
Important dates:
September 26, 2019: Position Papers Due
October 11, 2019: Notification of Acceptance (UPDATED)
October 20, 2019: Camera-ready Papers Due
November 9, 2019: Workshop (Saturday)